credits to lonely_cookies for the banner

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Girls Genration's Run Devil Run OFFICIAL MV: RELEASED!

Here we go...
SNSD's really surprising... Now, we have the FULL OFFICIAL MV of Run Devil Run.

So it's now time for my Review:

To my surprise, I was not very much impressed on the Music Video and I can't pinpoint what part of the Music Video I didn't like much. ^_^ I was also surprised that I thought, I'll prefer the Oh! Music Video than this???
Yes, you're right. (Ok, I know! I know that yesterday, I was craving so much for the MV and now, what happened to me? :p )

Man! I love the WHITE CLOTHES!!! And it looks so AWESOME with SooYoung!!! *blushes* Her amazing legs were more emphasized! XD Actually it even resembled to a photo from a magazine I have seen yesterday from a book store. The pants were almost the same and SooYoung's legs were as long as the woman's legs from the mag!!! (and that's pretty long I tell you!) XD
But the BLACK CLOTHES where they look like Indians or whatever, dis not impress me. XD I don't think, it looked awesome with them...
I would even prefer the Random Black clothes they wore on their solo scenes. I love Taeyeon and YoYeon's clothes the BEST! Those are my DREAMED clothes, though I can never wear something like that here in our country... (DEFINITELY )


Are they going to stick with this "SEXY/HOT/COOL" image from now on? If they will, I think I would really need to adjust now... ^^; Coz I'm still not into it. Yeah, at first, I was so HUNGRY and EXCITED to see them in this kind image, but I'ma bit disappointed on how the other girls looked and acted in order to make the hot image justified... ^_^ Let me give my opinions per member:

1TAEYEON - I'm pretty much surprised on how good she looks here. She looks cute because of her eyes, yet, she also justified the SEXY image because of her hair, as well as how she moved her fingers ♥. Her clothes helped her too to look hotter. ;) Taeyeon's really awesome

2JESSICA - I'm sorry to say this but... She does not look good on the Sexy image. Watching her a lot of times gave me the conclusion that it seems like she's putting much effort just to look hot and cool but she still fails to do it. She looks awkward doing the moves and the sexy poses and stuff. I was surprised because among them, I was actually expecting her to do the one of the BEST personification of the sexy image... Maybe she really has to stick with the "Sharpay: Bratty" personality. ^^;
P.S. Her voice resembles a lot to KRYSTAL!!! LOL.

3SUNNY- She looks cute and hot... That's all. LOL. Just kiddin'. (That would be mean! :p)
I should also say that I love the way she sang her lines for this song and I love her curly hair... I just wish that she's a bit taller than she is right now. LOL. XD That would make her look sexier! :p

Woooooooot! SHE's THE BEST in this MV!!! She really looks good on the HOT/COOL/SEXY Image... I can't take my eyes off her, and I really WOW-ed on how she looks on the camera as well as her Facial expressions. I just had some laugh when she did some "pointing finger on her head" coz it reminded me of Hyun Ah's the same move on her solo hit: Change. It made me thought like she accidentally felt like using Hyun Ah's move. ^^; But over all, it's an EXCELLENT JOB for this lady. *thumbs up!*

5HYOYEON- As always, she DANCES very well and with FULL grace. I also think that she looks appropriate on the SEXY image. But to be honest, I was actually hoping for a moment of "Bleeder Dance Moves from her" on the music video just like what she did on "Into the NEw World".

6YURI- If I'm not mistaken she's the one with the curls and ruffles right??? She looks very mature and sexy all throughout the video. Her posture is also nice and she moves like a real model. She's one of the girls who made the very outstanding SEXY image.

7SOOYOUNG- Man! I can't stop saying that I love her legs and I'll never get tired saying this ALL OVER AGAIN!!! XD Whether she wears pants or shorts, you can always notice her legs... And I love her legs! XD I hope I also have that slim and long legs! ♥ I just hope that she maintained the long hair all throughout the MV. I'm not saying that the short hair looks bad on her, it's just that, long hair seems hotter on her. ^_^ Hmmn, maybe I should say that she seems to look COOL than SEXY from the video. ♥ And the short moment where the cam focused on her waist is such a BLEEDER!

8YOONA- I don't know but everytime I look at her, it already seemed to me like (hmmn, how should I put my imagination into words???) she's someone out of reach by the other members already. I know that she's the most popular member of SNSD, and that's probably what made the boundaries around her between the members popped. Well, I'm not saying that it's true in the real life but that's how I see it.
Anyway, Her eyes built this expression to me: *scared*. LOL. The way she looks in the camera is somehow scary (not as if I have seen a ghost) but scared as if my stepmom's lookin' at me with those eyes!!! Bwaaaaah!

9SOOHYUN - She's the maknae, right? ^^; I don't know but although she's making those COOL and HOT looks on the camera, when you look into her eyes, you can still see a BUNCH of INNOCENCE on her... ^_^ And while watching her, I was thinking like, "She probably felt awkward and shy while doing and taping the whole video. ^^; LOL ) However, I can't deny that she also did well in here. ;)

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